Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Marketing, Marketing, and more Marketing .  . .😩

I am beat. One week after the release of The Lady of the Glen, and there is nothing left in the marketing pail. It is empty. Not even one little marketing drop remains.  Plus I just started a new temp job, we started back up on homeschooling last week, and there is nothing left. 

But it's a good start. Several things I did differently this time: 
1. More time on Twitter. I think some of the contacts there were unbelievably beneficial, not just for this blog, but for my marketing. I hooked up with some book bloggers and a few offered to review the book!  YAY.   
2. As a result, a shout out to: Rosie Amber -- https://rosieamber.wordpress.com/
 and  Sarah from https://lostinthelandofbooks.home.blog/

3. Stepping up  my general interaction game. Readers want to buy books from people, not from ads. Some days I am better at engagement than others; most days I suck at it. But I try! 

4. Promos and ads - I haven't paid for any ads yet - no money -- but I did pay for a small twitter promo that comes with some features, including this one: http://indiebookbutler.com/the-lady-of-the-glen-michelle-deerwester-dalrymple/

5. Write more!  Not only am I working on book 3 of the Glen series, I am working on my 3rd short, and starting a new contemporary romance series (see below): Men in Uniform, and working on a piece of fiction.  Not that I have the time for all of this, I have a good start.

And maybe that is all I need, a good start.  I'm going to sleep now. 


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