Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Just typed the title to the last chapter . . . I did A LOT today -- thousands of words, and even *I* loved the second to last chapter. What an arc! When I started this series more than 15 years ago, it was just a book, an "I can write romances" book, my interested in Medieval Scotland notwithstanding. Only when I revised and reworked the book last year did I see any potential for something more, and here we are at book 3, and I can even see where book 4 can go, and then maybe a book 5 can take us even further. 

And sometimes I get angry at myself. Why did I sit on this for over 10 years? Why didn't I try all this years ago? But God or the universe or the back of the turtle or whatever you believe in, works in strange ways. If I was successful at this ten years ago, then the royalties and income would be tied to someone who I cut from my life swiftly and completely and that would have added an unneeded layer of anger and resentment to my writing career. So whenever I start to kick myself for waiting, I remember to congratulate myself for waiting.

Good things come to those who wait. Book 3: The Exile of the Glen should release later this summer!
Cover model: Charles Mierkiewicz

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