Tuesday, September 11, 2018


We are coming down to the final days before my first romance novel drops. Fun, sexy, adventuresome, I hope that reads find it an engaging read and come back for book two later this year. 

Writers have a love/hate relationship with their work. We often love our stories; even if we know it's not the next great American novel, lesser novels had still made their impact. We think its a good story, but we worry, what if it's only a good story to the writer?  And we hate that - opening our souls to the judgment of readers.  Then, by the time our book has a cover and passed final edits, we almost hate the story, having read it so many times! 

As an English professor, I only have so much time for writing (much to my chagrin) - I have to parse out my time in class, in prep time, and most of all, grading - the largest time suck of all.  However, I do have some hope that, as an English Prof, perhaps I was able to write something with a sharper turn of the pen, a differently engaging line or quote, that catches my readers.  

In my final proof review last Friday (where I HOPE TO GOD I caught all the last little fixes), what I noticed the most is that I still liked my story. I liked my characters, their assessments and zingers, their decisions and emotions.  Any maybe, just maybe, other will like the story, too.

We will find out this week.  

Happy Reading!   

On Amazon’s Author page: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B07C784SJ6

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