Monday, April 16, 2018

Time to get serious. I have several writing curricula, and I'm formalizing them into texts for educators. They are simple and easy to integrate, and available both as Kindle and print texts. Here is the first: 


Tina Hollenbeck said...

I am a homeschooling mom and also the volunteer spokesperson for an informal group of nearly 7,000 homeschoolers writing to all the providers of various educational resources whose products we use, recommend, or might consider. I heard about you from a member of my group and wanted to be sure to include you in my research endeavors. I hope you’ll be willing to thoughtfully and honestly answer my questions in regards to your materials and/or program. Even if you feel the questions are not relevant for your products, please do reply since the information (one way or another) is crucial for homeschooling parents, who employ a wide variety of materials (not just textbooks) as we educate our kids. In fact, I have looked over your website and I’ve determined that homeschoolers would be interested in what you offer.

Your comment form does not provide me with space to ask my questions here, but please email me so I can forward the questions.

Most sincerely,
Tina Hollenbeck or
The Homeschool Resource Roadmap

Tina Hollenbeck said...

Hello. I'm still waiting to hear back from you (please see my initial query from April 30, above). Please message me at either of my email addresses ( or Thank you.

Tina Hollenbeck said...

Michelle -
I am still waiting to receive an email from you so I may ask you some questions about your writing materials. I promise I am not a spammer; I am a homeschool mom and administrator of a large homeschool resource database. Please email me ( or Thank you.