Tuesday, January 06, 2009

OOPS! I Did It Again!

Writing, that is!

It has been too long since I sat at the computer for me. I teach college English courses online, set up homeschooling lesson plans with my Word program, and surf the internet, reading my email and homeschool blogs, but it has been almost 2 years since I have submitted anything for publication.Well, over the course of my internet wandering, and reading my own recommendations to other writers, I grew tired. I was tired of everyone else writing, but not me. I am a good writer (Heck, I think I'm a great writer!), but you are not REALLY a writer if you don't write. And I haven't been writing. Nothing except intermittent ramblings on blogs, anyhow.

Enough is Enough! I told myself. I sat down after dinner, let the kids game their brains out on the Wii, and put fingers to keyboard. I wrote an interesting piece on a handwriting impediment for Practical Homeschooling Magazine (I've been published there a few time before - great homeschool resource IMO). Whether or not it will be published is still in the air - it is not my typical fare and it is lengthier than my normal submissions. BUT! It was a submission none-the-less. My first in 2 years.

Once again, I can call myself a writer. Now where is my stinkin' Nobel Prize already?

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